Our biggest fundraising events are when we support the Navan Fair with off-street parking, our annual golf tournament, our Jerry Calver Memorial Bonspiel and our Dog Guides sponsored dog walks.
We also support the organizers of the Bradley Cup and – together with the Women’s Institute – receive a portion of the profits.
Recently we have started to provide support at the OLG Charitable Bingo, for which we receive payment from Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation. This is a major source of funds.
In addition, we run a 50/50 draw during the demolition derby during the fair, with the proceeds going to the Hannah Billings fund.
During the Covid period many of these fundraising opportunities were not available but we were able to generate significant funds by making and selling wood and knitted products.
Almost all individual donations go into our Welfare Fund. Funds received are generally dispersed to our causes in the same year that they are received.
Funds received from the OLG Charitable Bingo are kept in a separate account and have to be disbursed quickly to pre-approved Ontario organizations. OLG closely monitors this process.
The Hannah Billings fund is administered by the Lions separately from the Welfare Fund and may accumulate funds until suitable recipients are identified.
There are no administrative costs deducted from any fund.
Our financial year runs from July 1 to June 30.
Navan Lions donated a total of $60,536 during our 2023 to 2024 year.
Approximately $6,000 was carried forward in the Welfare Fund for donation in the coming year.
Your contribution directly supports our initiatives. Every amount matters, and your generosity is deeply appreciated.
Special Thanks to the Friends of Mer Bleue for financial support in the design of this website.